Monday, November 07, 2005

Muther fucker!!! When did this happen????

So, I can't sleep because I drank some coffee before my night class four hours ago and it still hasn't left my system. Anyhoo, so a couple of days ago I weighed myself and was happy to find out that I had not gained any weight since the summer, however, I have gained about 10 lbs since my days in high school (a fact which I have been denying for a couple of years now). So just now, I went and checked to see what my healthy body weight should be and it appears that I'm at an "unhealthy body weight".

Holy shit!!!
I'm a FATTY!!!!
What the fuck?!!
When did this happen?
No seriously.
I'm fat.
F.... A.... T....

Oh, and please spare me the "no Jez, you're perfect" bull-shit because the numbers don't lie people and that's so not why I'm writing this. Apparently, I need to lose about 15 lbs to be at a healthy body weight, which I figure I can do in 8 weeks if I lose about 2 lbs per week. I so don't have time for this, but I can't go on being fat one more second..hmm..maybe I'll go for a run..


At 1:55 AM, Blogger exile said...

run? dar'lyn, there are so many better ways to burn off calories then running...

At 6:22 AM, Blogger Monkeypotpie said...

Exile pretty much summed up my thoughts right there.

Run? No no no no no.

A pox on running.

At 11:07 AM, Blogger Jezebelle said...

hmm...I'm going to play dumb for fun and ask....such as????

At 11:24 AM, Blogger Monkeypotpie said...

You've read the story so far...

Guaranteed to put a smile on your face and take numbers off the scale.

Come on over.

At 12:19 PM, Blogger Jezebelle said...

Oh I'm coming! Hmm..maybe that's it, my protest against sex is making me fat...hmmm...

At 1:07 PM, Blogger Monkeypotpie said...

Let me know if you need directions.

At 6:39 PM, Blogger exile said...

it's sex-ercise

and in-and-out...

At 3:38 PM, Blogger Non-Farm Boy said...

Come off it, girl, I've seen the pics. You hardly look unhealthy to me.

At 5:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

running...excellent smithers thanks for the idea! starting tomorrow. done. once i lose 15 lbs i'll blog again and post nekkid pics. cha right! ;)


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